Half a century ago, a group of passionate volunteers embarked on a journey to establish the inaugural semester of Forever Learning Institute. Their mission was to create a school to educate and enrich senior adults' lives through intellectual challenge, spiritual reflection, and social engagement. This visionary concept was the brainchild of Rev. Louis J. Putz, C.S.C., a forward-thinking Holy Cross priest. Today, Forever Learning stands as a testament to his unique vision, having positively impacted the lives of countless participants over the years.
Fr. Putz's vision of senior adults sharing and learning together has withstood time. Today, hundreds of senior adults take courses on almost any topic imaginable. In 2024 alone, Forever hosted 190 courses and filled 2500 class seats with close to 1700 individual learners. Not stopping there, Forever Learning also offers senior adults travel opportunities and partners with various community organizations, including South Bend Civic Theatre, St. Joseph County Parks, The Jewish Federation, The University of Notre Dame, and Southfield Village. These organizations offer space, programming, instructors, and endless support for our senior adults.
While the number of learners who participate in Forever Learning activities is remarkable, the real impact of this small school lies in the individual lives touched each day. Examples abound of older adults who have found a home in this community, leading purposeful and engaging lives. Helping people to connect and share similar interests has created a focal point for so many area elders, giving a purpose to their days and filling their retirement years with friendships and experiences unavailable in many communities.
As Fr. Putz's vision continues to unfold, we are excited to plan for our next 50 years, offering ever more opportunities for learning, discovery, and sharing. Please join us as we celebrate our senior adults. We invite you to join our vision of living life to its fullest.